Death Certificates
Certified death certificates are required for insurances, removing the deceased name from titles, and other legal purposes. The funeral home will assist in getting them for you at the time of death. For additional ones you can always contact us or the vital records office. Your attorney can help decide how many will be needed. Your funeral director will assist you with this as well.
We notify Social Security that the death occurred. You do not need a death certificate for this purpose. Veterans who passed in Washington State are given a death certificate that is for Veteran’s Affairs use only and is complimentary.
Our funeral homes do not charge a fee for obtaining this document for you; it is part of our service to you, our family. The only charge to you is what the State charges us, which is currently $25.00 each in the State of Washington.
If needed, additional certified death certificates for Washington State deaths may be obtained from any county vital record office in Washington State. Below are the locations and contact information for our three local vital records offices.
Oregon State charges a $30 filing fee and then $25 for each death certificate.
Clark County
Southwest Washington Health Department
Vital Records
1601 E. Fourth Plain Blvd.,
Bldg 17 - 4th Floor
PO Box 9825
Vancouver, WA 98661
Telephone: (360) 397-8092
Cowlitz County
Cowlitz County Health Department
Vital Records
1952 – 9TH Ave.
Longview, WA 98632
Telephone: (360) 414-5599
Yakima Health District
Vital Records
1210 Ahtanum Ridge Drive
Union Gap, WA. 98903
Additional certified Oregon State death certificates may be purchased at the vital records office in the County where the death occurred. Below are some Portland area vital records offices.
Clackamas County
Clackamas Co. Health Services
Vital Records Section
2051 Kaen Rd.
Oregon City, OR 97045
Telephon: (503) 655-8406
Columbia County
Columbia County Vital Records
Court House
230 Strand St.
St. Helens, OR 97051
Telephone: (503) 397-3796
Multnomah County
Multnomah County Health Department
Vital Records Section
3653 SE 34th Ave.
Portland, OR 97202
Telephone: (503) 988-3745
Washington County
Washington County Health Department
Vital Records Section
155 N. 1st Ave., Rm 200
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Telephone: (503) 846-8280
Prices are set by each state and may change without notice.